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【书名: 文字有情 No.3演讲稿件(废) 作者:况狸

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强烈推荐: 全民转职:驭龙师是最弱职业? 高武:登录未来一万年 游戏王:十代,你管这叫英雄? 大航海:草帽船上的道具师 全民御兽:开局觉醒神话级天赋 开局万亿冥币,厉鬼认我当干爹 盗墓被抓:我挖自家祖坟还犯法? 草帽船上的傲慢之罪 原神:直播问答,开局让甘雨社死 原神:开局被甘雨收养 综漫:从无上至尊开始的穿越之旅 拼夕夕系统附身,六万人砍不死我 换源:        I have a dream,or maybe lots of dreams.

The dream,which is florid and colorful,gentle and affectionate,calls for the blazing sun of June,with undaunted courage of the wind,running in the field of youth,wildly and without restraint.

That dream……

It lands in the spring,rolling in the green wheat;It shines in the lamps and candles of a myriad families,slipping across the fan in the beauty’s hand;It hides under the letter paper on the desk,peeping at my moods repeatedly from the gap.

It will find my inner emotions,the expressions in my eyes when I look down.For example by the time I saw the painting on the wall, the hope of being an artist nearly escapes from my heart.So as I saw the frogs jumping into the pools, I was amazed by the beauty of nature !Oh how could I be that selfish! I want everything everyone everywhere of the world to be my dreams!

On the television we saw huge waves crushing the sea land,everyone was shocked by the aesthetic of violence,but the dream never stopped. It escapes from the flame without the fear of high temperature,standing on the fired roof,watching the orange figure;It turns out in the operating room,watching the people in white taking out the bloody issues;It jumps on the tower,the air fleet thundering on,disappearing in the distance.

Whether it is facing the blossoms or the blood,the wind or the sky,my dream,will never stop. It is not afraid to be crushed by the fire,or torn by the wind.Loess cannot destroy its invisible body,but it can be attracted by another similar emotion,willing to belong to it.

If you are wandering where my dreams come from, I can give you a tiny story.

Once a time when I was standing in front of a hospital,an ambulance screamed over.At that time, I was amazed by that.Looked at the white figure! It was so brave,so dauntless! It tightly grasped my heart,like a light under the gloomy sky!They rushed to the door,like a group of white eagles,facing the death fearlessly.I saw youth’s blood and vitality,fitting perfectly with my excited heart.And so,that dream,escapes from the stretcher and the pocket,jumping into the air,turning into the rainbow.

My dream,which was born in the sky and grew up in the hot sun,changes its shape in millions of situations, but still remains its loyal core.It is like a fledgling eagle,or a newborn baby cow,singing aloud to the next future.It can be millions of people or just one person.But whatever it is,it will spread its huge wings,flying to my future!

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文字有情相邻的书:女神的上门豪婿 全民转职:驭龙师是最弱职业? 草帽船上的傲慢之罪 高武:登录未来一万年 全民御兽:开局觉醒神话级天赋 游戏王:十代,你管这叫英雄? 大航海:草帽船上的道具师 原神:开局被甘雨收养 奢侈品:从手工作坊,制霸世界 开局万亿冥币,厉鬼认我当干爹 瞎眼五年,我的学生全成大妖了 在碧蓝当指挥官的悠闲日常